Version 2 of the Maker Project Canvas

ConceptCanvas_v2 MakerProjectCanvas_v2

I just released an updated version of the Maker Project Canvas (v2). Improvements were made to the Form section. In addition, a Concept Canvas for brainstorming has been introduced. It only has the high level sections (Goal, Form, Function) of the full canvas.


Here are some resources:

  1. Download the Concept and Full canvas PDF files from Github.
  2. Download the Maker Project Canvas Workbook from here.
  3. A few articles can be found on Medium.

I hope you find it a useful tool. I would love to see how you use it on projects!

  • DavidARosen

    This methodology is very comprehensive. It provides a great model point for a single small system. What would be needed to carry this into a larger system, with multiple parts and connected devices. Great Job.

  • jvansaders

    Thanks David. Larger projects need to be handled hierarchically. The top level canvas would encompass the whole project at the component level. Each component would then get its own canvas. The top level canvas covers how the components interact to get the system’s job done. Hierarchy + reductionism!