Huelle Style Influences


Egyptian inscription.jpg

Hieroglyphs linearly recorded- an underlying meaning and order…
Pyramid model.jpg The symbol of hierarchy and entrance combined…
False door british museum.jpg Post and lintel forming the classic false door…

The above are examples of stone forms carrying engraved symbols.

Egyptian box detail.jpg Detail from a wooden jewelry box…


Mayan yoke2.jpg
Mayan statue.jpg
Mayan block.jpg



The Japanese aesthetic of Wabi-Sabi acknowledges that nothing is perfect, lasts forever or is finished. This is easily seen in the imperfections and changes in ancient artifacts due to the passage of time. Wabi-sabi includes an appreciation for natural materials and process, along with simplicity. Alexander’s Roughness property is closely related to this concept.

Frank Lloyd Wright

Textile Blocks

EnnisBlocks.jpg Textile blocks at Ennis House
HollyhockDoublePylon.jpg Hollyhock House double pylon

Door handle detail at Hollyhock House