This open-source building system provides a case/shell for Arduino-based and lighting projects. It consists of modular outer blocks and inner frames that can be combined in many different configurations which may be customized for a particular project. The specification of a modular design ensures the pieces from different sources can work together.
This building system is intended to give Makers a project enclosure that fuses ancient (e.g. Egytian, Mayan) and modern (Frank Lloyd Wright) styles in materials like CNC-routed wood and cast concrete: enclosures with a timeless style that blend into most décor. The system employs many of the design patterns described here.
A Dimensional Study was completed to assess the overall form and sizing.
Design Development
Design Files
Design files are hosted at Hülle Project on Google Code
Project Name and Logo
‘Hülle’ is a German word for shell/cover/case/skin/sleeve/sheath/wrapping (German to English translation). It’s a good word to describe the general idea of the project (and has an Ikea-esque feel for Americans). The double L is also a bit of a homage to Frank Lloyd Wright, a major stylistic influence. Finally, the u-umlaut looks a bit like a smiling face. OK, overthinking this…
The logo is a Fibonacci spiral with warm colors, echoing elements of the building system. The spiral also evokes the growth of a shell!
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
This work supports the Open Source Hardware Definition